Monday, August 31, 2009

I hope I haven't been had...

So I paid in advance for all the editing, which was supposed to be completed on August 19th, 2009. Here we are on August 31st, and still no completed manuscript. I am trying really hard not to jump to any conclusions, but I am getting really worried that I've been scammed. There's nothing I can do about it now, other than to have faith in human kind. If I do get the manuscript back, the next step is to read the whole thing which should take some time. In the meantime I've been visualizing myself at book signings as though it's a done deal and I'm published. Positive thinking can't hurt, and it's exciting to dream big!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

the stigma of self-publishing

I don't know what it is, but it seems I have an aversion to self-publishing. I guess I want to believe that someone thinks my manuscript is good enough to publish. Last week I read an article in the Toronto Star Newspaper (I got it free) that featured a cookbook author who self -published for $45 000! She mananged to get her book in Chapters, and instead of $1 a book profit (the industry standard) she gets more. She has to sell alot of books just to get her money back, never mind a profit. But that's not why I write. I'd love to make money on my book, but I'm more in love with the notion of being a tortured writer, slaving away in solitude at my messy desk...

Friday, August 28, 2009

If only I was Donald Trump...

Maybe then my husband would read my book. He's read the first 10 pages out of 285 pages but not a page more, and I've just given up trying to get him to support me. I pretty much am on my own when it comes to critical analysis of my manuscript; I guess that's why so much hinges on what my editor is going to say. I get the polished product on Monday, and according to her there will be a few back and forths before our contract is considered complete. I found her on an online editor's network, and signed with her after she sent me a sample edit. I wrote the first chapter in first person, than smoothly transitioned to third person. Her sample edit changed the first chapter to third for consistency. I chose to reject this change, and I imagine that what I get on Monday will contain much of the same thing. We will work through it together, and I am sure that I will ultimately get a good product. Here's hoping...

a friend of a friend

It seems that I don't actually know anyone who has been published, other than a co-worker's father-in-law getting published. It must be so rare that I don't know a single person. Either that or there are not that many writers out there.

Editor's E-Mail

Here's a segment of my editor's e-mail. I asked her if I'm delusional about getting published, and here's what she said:
"Oh, I definitely think it can get published. I would like to say *will* get published, but who can understand the vagaries of the publishing business. So many bad things get published, and some good things fall between the cracks. But if I could lay odds, I'd say with the right submission package to draw the right attention, and a willingness on your part to do the heavy lifting of getting representation (which is so much more work than people expect), you will get it published. Your ability to write one good book and get started on another, I don't think your work ethic or follow-through will be a factor. And you'd be surprised how often that is the case. People write a good book, and then they're done. A few rejections and they loose the will to keep pursuing it. But as for quality, I think it's legitimately publishable."
I'm super excited! By representation she means an agent, and that's true, it is alot of work. It took me years to write this book and I want to see it through to the end, what ever that may be.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The After Show on MTV

I'm really into the After Show, especially when I'm trying to write a few pages of my new book on finding your romantic match. The show meets my a.d.d needs by skipping from random topic to random topic; none of them too intense or deep. Dan Levy, co-host to Jessie and son of Eugene Levy wears great glasses and can appreciate a good pair of Prada studded shoes. It's almost like they're friends of mine, you know what I mean? One day I'll tell you about the bff I met in the grocery parking lot in Huntsville. I wish I could see her again...

what's wrong with me?

why can't I get a picture up? Maybe that's why I don't have a cell phone, just a pager. People like me are not meant to have gadgets. Although I love my lappy (that's my lap top.) Actually, I wish I had a mac or apple. The laptop with the apple on it, whatever it's called. At least mine is white.

First thing first- set font to Times New Roman

Trying to figure out this blog thing and put my picture up with my profile. I want to get a picture that screams author, but I don't have any frosted angled face pics on hand. I do want to promise all readers that I will attemp not to be sarcastic. So often writers get mean, and we're all friends here, right?
Where I'm at: I wrote a book about a young girl (12) from the projects, and the summer she will never forget. It's based on stories from the 'hood I heard while growing up close to one of the most dangerous housing developments in the city. At the moment it's at the editor's in Missouri, and I'm waiting for more feedback from her. So far she definetely thinks I could get published. Do you think she's saying that because I just paid her $3000 US funds?